
Understanding ActiveRecord Sessions 1

This article series deals with the internal session keeping of Castle ActiveRecord. It begins in explaining how sessions are managed within ActiveRecord and how the user can influence this behavior.

What happens when Save() is called?

The first part of our journey starts in ActiveRecordBase. Whenever a method is called that requires a NHibernate session, it requests one from the following field:

protected internal static ISessionFactoryHolder holder;

Since that field is marked protected internal static, subclasses of ActiveRecordBase can directly access it to acquire a session. This is done with the following methods:

ISession CreateSession(Type type);
void ReleaseSession(ISession session);
void FailSession(ISession session);

The first method requests a session from the ISessionFactoryHolder, that can be used to issue calls to the session, such as Save(), Load() etc. After the operation was completed, ReleaseSession must be called, preferably in a finally block.

If an exception is raised from NHibernate, the session cannot be used anymore. The ISessionFactoryHolder must be notified through the FailSession-method.

To further understand the inner workings of ActiveRecord, we need to look at the default implementation of ISessionFactoryHolder, which is simply called SessionFactoryHolder.

The SessionFactoryHolder keeps a dictionary which maps the configured ActiveRecord root types to ISessionFactory instances. Whenever CreateSession is called, it fetches the ISessionFactory for that type and creates an ISession.

When ReleaseSession is called the session is flushed and disposed, closing any open connections. If you use the holder to acquire sessions directly, keep in mind that it is necessary to release them or you will get a resource leak. Database sessions are among the most critical resources with regard to leaks.

If an exception is raised, the FailSession method will clear the session so that it doesn't throw again when the session is released.

When ActiveRecord is used without any scopes, all of this happens on a single call of any of the data retrieval or persistence methods (Save(), FindAll() etc.):

  1. ActiveRecordBase gets an ISession from the SessionFactoryHolder. ActiveRecordMediator simpy calls a static method on ActiveRecordBase, so there are no differences with respect to session handling.
  2. ActiveRecordBase performs the desired database operation.
  3. If there is no exception, ReleaseSession is called by ActiveRecordBase. In case of an exception, FailSession is called instead and the exception is rethrown.
  4. SessionFactoryHolder closes the ISession instance. Upon the next call, a new session is created.

But what if we need to have a single session span multiple commands? This will be handled in the following articles when we talk about scopes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting, looking forward to see further articles on AR inner workings.